So much for wanting to make daily posts! I don't think I even have enough post yet to join the Art Quilter's blog ring.
Well, I actually haven't had any time to do any arty things lately. This March is Spring Cleaning month at the
Greenville Arms 1889 Inn and every waking moment is taken up with maintenance and preparing for the very first art quilt workshops!
I am so excited about the workshops. The first one will be with
Melody Johnson, followed by
Lesley Riley and
Laura Cater-Woods. We have added new electrical circuits to the studio to accomodate sewing machines and irons. Each outlet is on its own circuit. We also replaced the hard uncomfortable stools with nice ergonomic work chairs (I'm sure the painters will appreciate this, too) and we order large 4' x 5' form core boards to be used as design walls. (I'd eventually like to make the actual walls of the studio pin-able design walls, but that is for another year.
Ok, so I do have some art news. My piece "Angry Rabbit" was accepted into the 38th Annual Textile Exhibit at the Olive Hyde Art Gallery in Fremont, CA. The exhibit runs April 14 to May 20, 2006.
It is so ironic that I hardly ever had anything exhibited in California until I left it! Now it seems that I have multiple exhibits every year. Below is an image of "Angry Rabbit". I'll miss it while it is gone because it is usually hanging in the front dining room at the inn. One of the art instructors last year called it "my masterpiece."